The shield has the blue cross of St. Andrew on white or silver background.
St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland.
The royal lion of Scotland is on a golden shield in the centre of the cross.
Above the shield is a royal helmet of gold with a blue and silver scroll.
Above the helmet are two joined hands - one bare and one with armour.
A sprig of laurel (for peace) and a thistle (for Scotland) are above the hands.
The floral emblem (the Mayflower) and the thistle of
Scotland are on a mound below the shield.
The motto at the top of the coat of arms means
"One defends and the other conquers".

THE MAYFLOWER (Trailing Arbutus)
This pink flower is found in the woodlands. The plant grows very close to the ground.
It has shiny evergreen leaves and tiny flowers
that bloom in early spring.
The name "Mayflower" comes from early American settlers who
named the flower after the ship that brought them to North America.
Nova Scotia chose the Mayflower as the floral emblem in 1901.
bird - Osprey (bird of prey, dives for fish)
fish - Brook Trout
provincial dog - Duck Tolling Retriever
tree - Red Spruce
berry- wild blueberry
gemstone - Agate (used for jewellery, birthstone for May)
mineral - Stilbite
The Bluenose II (schooner or sailing ship) is the province's sailing ambassador
NEXT (Northwest Territories)


Web Pages for Students
J.Giannetta 1999
(updated 2017)
NS Legislature symbols
Government of N.S. Emblems and symbols