a coloring page
- Sir John A. MacDonald ( Prime Minister ) wanted to create a
mounted police force to maintain law and order in the west and to encourage settlement.
- Some traders were trading whiskey, guns and ammunition with the Indian people for furs.
- Large numbers of bison were being killed and the Indian people feared that their way of
life was changing.
- There was fighting between the Indian people and the whiskey traders and fur traders.
- An Act of Parliament was passed in 1873 to set up the North West Mounted Police force.
- The police force marched west and established Fort Walsh in the
Cypress Hills ( Saskatchewan ) in 1875.
- Forts and posts were built as the force spread across the west.
- A post was built in Regina, Saskatchewan in 1882.
It became the headquarters of the NWMP.
- In 1904 the name was changed to Royal Mounted Police, then to
Royal Canadian Mounted Police in 1920.
- Since 1885 Regina has been
the training center for the RCMP.