Skipping is fun and it is good exercise. You can skip alone, with a partner or with a group.
You can skip to rhymes and do actions. You can learn rope tricks and skip to music.
All you need is a good skipping rope. The best ropes are the "licorice ropes" and the "beaded
ropes". Beaded ropes are better for young children because they can hear the rope hit
the floor. That makes it easier to establish a rhythm.
- Lay the rope down on the floor. With both feet together jump forward then back, and keep repeating this.
- Swaying rope : 2 people hold the ends of the rope and slowly sway the rope
back and forth as the third person jumps over the rope. Keep the jump rope close
to the floor at first.
- The rope has to be the right length for you. Measure your jump rope by standing
on the middle of the rope. Bring both ends up until the ends reach your arm pits.
This is a good length for you. You can tie a knot at each end until you get it
the right length for you.
- Wear good jumping shoes -- no sandals or slippery shoes.
- Do some stretching exercises first.(side bends, shoulder rolls, head/neck circles,
rotating wrists, stretching up, knee pulls)
- Try walking, running or jogging with your rope.
- Bounce lightly on the balls of your feet, keeping knees relaxed (not stiff),
and keeping feet together.
- When turning your rope use small circular wrist movements (not large arm circles).
- Helicopter - hold rope above your head with both hands together.
Make circular movements with your wrists, twirling the rope over your
head like a helicopter. Kneel down and keep the rope spinning, then stand
up again.
- Windmill - hold the handles of the rope close together and swing the rope
in front of you in a circle. (turn rope with your wrists not arms)
- Basic jump (Pogo) : jump over rope, keeping feet together, bending knees
slightly as you jump. Land on both feet and do not jump high.

When learning tricks it is good to first practice the moves without the rope.
Go through the motions slowly at first.
Once you are able to do some tricks, try it to music.
- Cross Jumps: Jump, then cross your arms in front and keep turning, then jump.
- Side Swing and jump: With both hands together holding your rope, swing your rope
to your right side, then your left side (hitting the ground with the rope).
Then jump through the rope the way you normally do. Variations: Side swing right, then
jump; side swing left, then jump; side swing right, side swing left then jump;
do double side swings before jumping, etc.
- skipping to rhymes and doing
actions while you skip

Graphics : sporty
main index - http://www.saskschools.ca/~gregory/
web page by J.Giannetta (August/03)