![]() coyoteWolves and coyotes are pack hunters. Coyotes use their excellent hearing to find animals that are running beneath the snow. Coyotes listen carefully, wait, then pounce on the small mammals. Wolves hunt in large packs during the winter. If the snow is soft and deep the deer, moose or pronghorn are slowed down making it easer for the wolves to catch them. Wolves help other animals. The food they leave behind is eaten by magpies, crows, foxes and coyotes. ![]() In the fall, members of the deer family grow long thick coats. They eat alot in the summer and fall to put on extra fat to help them live through the cold winters. They have to keep moving to areas where food is available. The deer family feeds on leaves, buds, young bark and twigs . Food is hard to find after heavy snowfalls. Deep snow makes it difficult to escape from predators (hunters) like wolves and coyotes. Pronghorns look alot like deer but are not in the same family as deer. They move about looking for food and find shelter in wooded areas and in valleys. ![]() pronghorn
to "How Plants and Animals Survive the Winter" 1998 updated 2011 |